Taking a light-hearted look at how ISSHP members spend their off-duty hours! This time, it’s the turn of Annemarie Hennessy, Executive Committee ISSHP.

Annemarie Hennessy is the leader for the Vascular Immunology Group and the Dean and Foundation Chair of Medicine at the Western Sydney University. She has 19 years experience in preeclampsia research and is actively involved in clinical and laboratory research into the causes of high blood pressure during pregnancy.
If you hadn’t become a doctor, is there any other career that you might have chosen instead?
Mechanical Engineering: I would love to build the worlds biggest bridge!
What’s your favourite food?
Chilli anything with a chilli
Favourite place?
Do you have a pet?
An old cat called Mr Puss
Favourite movie?
Lots really, but Armageddon is out there
Ideal Sunday morning?
A horse riding lesson
If you didn’t live in Australia, where else would you like to live?
Chicago (Or New York)
Cooking for friends – what do you cook?
I boil water (badly)
Stuck in a lift– alone or with others? Who?
Julia Gillard (Australia’s first Female Prime Minister)
Favourite book?
Sacred Games by Vikram Chandra
Favourite song?
Gabrielle (Mary Black/Shane Howard)
Chocolate or crisps?
Chocolate of course
Sun or snow?
Sun Sun Sun
Favourite gadget?
Electronic book reader
Favourite holiday?
Exploring Barcelona with the Family (Staying in the old Olympic village)
Beatles or Rolling Stones?
Rolling stones, if I never hear the Beatles again.. (except black bird)
Favourite sport or hobby?
Ocean Swimming
Favourite movie actress?
Meryl of course
Apple or android (this relates to mobile devices not body shape …)
Apple (unfortunately)
What would you like to invent?
I would like to uninvent email
Pet hate
Bad Grammar
Moment of the day?
Getting home to the family (And playing a musical instrument for 20 minutes)
The memory:
Early career experiences in remote Australia : formative
The advice:
Be brave, have a go and stop looking for the guidebook for everything
The virtue
A good memory, work on your memory
The vice
Being prepared to take on everything, I give people permission to say no to some things, I love having people around me who need permission to say no!