Welcome to International Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy (ISSHP) Indonesia

The international Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy (ISSHP), founded in 1976, aims to stimulate research in the field of hypertension in pregnancy, disseminate the useful results of such research, and advance education in the field.

It is particularly committed to encouraging research activity by encouraging junior research fellows, especially from Third World countries, to attend Society meetings. It is recognised by the International Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics (FIGO) and The World Health Organization (WHO) and has ongoing joint initiatives with both these organisations.

Biennial International World Congresses are held in rotation in North America, Europe and ‘elsewhere in the world’. The Society is allied to its high-quality journal Pregnancy hypertension.

Pregnancy hypertension are the leading cause of maternal mortality and morbidity in Indonesia, establishment of Indonesian branch of ISSHP is an absolute necessity.It is expected by the organization, many experts who have interest and expertise in the field of pregnancy hypertension, together share ideas, bridging the gap between clinical practice and research, creating international-national cross-field discussion forum in this topic.

By joining this organization, all members will have the opportunity to meet and discuss with international experts of pregnancy hypertension (Congress ISSHP) and opportunities to publishin international journals.

We hope all colleagues can support the establishment of this organization in Indonesia, with the hope of increasing knowledge and expertise in this field can reduce the maternal mortality and morbidity caused by pregnancy hypertension in Indonesia.

Aldika Akbar dr. SpOG
Indonesia ISSHP Secretary

