Annetine Staff
Annetine Staff has been Vice President of the ISSHP since 2012.
Annetine received a medical doctor (MD) degree at the University of Oslo in 1987, and became in 1996 a certified Norwegian specialist in Gynecology and Obstetrics. She defended her PhD thesis in 2000 (Preeclampsia and uteroplacental tissues: lipids, oxidative stress, and trophoblast invasion).
She is a full-time Professor (Professor I) at the Faculty of Medicine, University of Oslo. She continues to work part-time as a clinical consultant and is the leader of the Research Center of Obstetrics and Gynecology at the Women and Children’s division, Oslo University Hospital, Oslo, Norway.
Annetine was co-chair and acting chair of the Regional Committee for Medical Research Ethics, Southern Norway, from 2001-2006 and member of the National Committee for Medical Research Ethics from 2006-2010. She was Director of Research and Development, Regional Health Authorities of South-Eastern Norway in 2009-10 and is the EPG (European Placenta Group) Spokesperson from 2011.
She is member of the Executive Committee of Global Pregnancy CoLaboratory (headed by James M. Roberts, USA), a Melinda and Bill Gates Foundation supported consortium for global pregnancy biobanks. Annetine is the PI of the CoLab Angiogenic Factors project within this collaboration.
The main research area of Annetine’s research group is within molecular understanding of pregnancy complications, in particular preeclampsia and pathological placenta function and future cardiovascular health
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