Laura Magee
Laura is the President of ISSHP. Laura is a general internist with Royal College of Canada Certification in Internal Medicine and Clinical Pharmacology. She has her MSc in clinical epidemiology (University of Toronto) and undertook a second clinical research fellowship (University of Oxford).
Laura joined UBC in 2000 after four years as an Assistant Professor, University of Toronto. She is appointed to both the Departments of Medicine (Division of General Internal Medicine) and Obstetrics and Gynaecology (Division of Maternal-Fetal Medicine). She is a Consultant in Obstetric Medicine, BC Women’s, and a Senior Clinician Scientist at the CFRI, Reproduction and Healthy Pregnancy Cluster.
Research Interests:
Laura is focused on medical complications of pregnancy and the hypertensive disorders of pregnancy in particular, clinical epidemiology (MSc), and reproductive toxicology. She is the PI on CIHR-funded national and international projects, including the CHIPS Trial (Control of Hypertension In Pregnancy), its follow-up study CHIPS-Child, knowledge translation of MgSO4 for fetal neuroprotection (MAG-CP), and investigation of serious maternal morbidity. Importantly, she is a co-investigator on PRE-EMPT.
Laura’s number one collaborator in life and research is Peter von Dadelszen, Professor of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, UBC. Laura met Peter in Oxford through their shared work. They have three children whose names are familiar to patients (the ‘EMMA’ clinic), clinical colleagues (the ‘PIERS’ project), and research staff (the planned ‘WILL’ model).
Contact: Laura.A.Magee@kcl.ac.uk